Climate Week 2024
OLIN Labs’ Climate Week 2024 series
Continuing OLIN’s focus on climate action, Labs hosted a second week-long series aligned with Climate Week, inspired by the questions we grappled with as we aspired to elevate our research and practice.
The Climate Week program was organized around two main goals: showcasing the climate action work that Labs had furthered in 2024, and highlighting topics that remained central to our research - materials, performance, and people. Guest speakers included experts in these respective topics, or were advancing applicable research and development.
The week featured a series of talks that featured both internal OLIN research from a variety of perspectives, as well as external speakers whom we have worked with and admire. Throughout the week, OLIN Labs hosted social events to continue the conversation. Events included a happy hour at LOVE City Brewing, a partner in the Sustainable Business Network of Philadelphia, and participating in a Philly Fringe Festival printmaking event at Cherry Street Pier. Talks included:
Year of Climate Action @ OLIN - Hosted by Michael Miller
Featuring Labs research by Grace Ackerman, Emily Bunker, Claire Casstevens, Selina Cheah, Isiah Dashiell, Zoe Detweiler, Julie Donofrio, Siyu Du, Joanna Karaman, Hang Liu, Marzia Micali, Moya Sun, Sarah Swanseen, Judy Venonsky, and Pia Von Barby. An evening Climate Film Screening was hosted by Sylvia Palms.
Climate Conscious Landscapes - Hosted by Rebecca Popowsky and Pia von Barby, in conversion with Fritz Steiner, Weitzman School of Design and Danielle Pieranunzi, GBCI
How do our current climate and resiliency goals intersect with the SITES rating system, and other initiatives that have helped to integrate similar considerations into our work?
The Role of the Commons in Resilience - Hosted by Sue Weiler & Julie Donofrio, in conversion with Thaïsa Way, FASLA, FAAR, RAAR, Director for Garden & Landscape Studies at Dumbarton Oaks
We look back at the “commons” throughout history to illuminate ways in which we can continue to create and cultivate multi-benefit spaces, contributing to biodiversity, and human connection.
Circular Materials - Hosted by Marni Burns, in Conversation with: Theresa Loux, Aero Aggregates; Kevin Shepherd, Belter Tech: Director of Research and Development; Fern Gookin, Revolution Recovery: Director of Sustainability, and RAIR Co-Founder
The week concluded to overlap with the Landscape Futures Symposium, to celebrate the centennial of the landscape architecture program at the Weitzman School of Design at Penn. The opening keynote was introduced by OLIN’s Lucinda Sanders.
OLIN’s Sue Weiler introduces Thaisa Way, in conversation with OLIN Labs’ Julie Donofrio, to discuss the role of the commons in resilience.
OLINites participate in Philly Fringe Festival’s printmaking activity at Cherry Street Pier, bringing home prints of the Philadelphia watersheds.